3D design, Chassis will be designed to fit 16.5 mm, 19.05 mm and 22.5 mm track gauges. The prototype is built for meter gauge.
Other slicing software - different results - but, the whole thing becomes printable. Some adjustments here and there to counteract the deformation of the prints are still necessary.
Chassis in comparison: left, printed on the Elegoo Mars - right, printed on my Witbox 2.
Printed using the original Elegoo black resin - directly from the printer the results were good. As I did not have access to my curing station, the parts did not cure sufficiently and bent.
For driving tests and to verify the fit of the components, the parts are useful - in the meantime, new parts are printed in good quality and are waiting for assembly and painting.
Unlike the L45H, the wheels are printed on this design. The locomotive is powered by batteries. Via a simple Arduino 2.4GHz connection the model can be remote controlled. More then in the section "Electronics" (coming soon) .
And wow, this beast is really big! But also ingenious in tight curves (r=360mm). Thanks to the gear motors it also runs very slowly.
still the bent and broken cab,but hey, what heavy used machine has no damage?
New engineers cab and tanks added